Jasmin Kellermann
Campus Straßburger Platz | Raum 108
Tel +49 351 44 45-444
If you meet one of the following requirements, you can study with us without an Abitur:
Please also include a tabular CV with your application documents.
We also need a current photo of you, which will later appear on your student ID.
We require a certified copy of your university entrance qualification. If your certificate is not yet available at the time of application, please apply with your most recent semester report. Please submit your degree certificate upon receipt and no later than the start of your studies.
If available, please submit certificates of previous internships or completed vocational training.
Proof of completed vocational training or further education in accordance with the requirements of §18 SächsHSG is particularly necessary for students who wish to begin their studies without an Abitur.
After successfully submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail. If you did not receive a confirmation mail, your application was not sent to us. In this case, please try again or send us your application documents by e-mail to bewerbung@fh-dresden.eu.
You can find everything you need to know about the application process here.
Jasmin Kellermann
Campus Straßburger Platz | Raum 108
Tel +49 351 44 45-444