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Regardless of whether you are transferring from a job to a degree course or from one degree course to another: Have your previous achievements recognized!

Have you already completed an apprenticeship or some modules in a previous degree programme? Then you don't have to start your degree programme at the FHD from scratch. With us, you can have your previous achievements recognised. This means that you can skip some modules or even entire semesters during your degree programme. This saves you time and money and allows you to build on your existing skills in your degree programme.

How does it work?

Flat-rate crediting procedure

In the flat-rate credit transfer procedure, skills acquired during training are credited to the degree course. The crediting process is very straightforward: After your application, you will receive an application for credit transfer from us, in which you only need to tick the box indicating that you are applying for flat-rate credit transfer. In conjunction with your training certificate, your previous achievements from your training will be recognized and you can skip several semesters directly.

This credit transfer option is currently available for the Bachelor's degree programs "Social Education & Management" and "Nursing & Healthcare Management".

Bachelor's degree course in Social Pedagogy & Management

  • State-approved educators and curative education nurses skip the first two semesters in the full-time form of study.
    The course is shortened from 6 semesters to 4 semesters.
  • In the part-time form of study, you can skip three semesters with one of these qualifications.
    In this case, the course is shortened from 9 semesters to 6 semesters.

Bachelor's degree course in Nursing & Healthcare Management

  • Healthcare and nursing staff, healthcare and pediatric nurses and geriatric nurses skip the first two semesters in the full-time form of study.
    The course is shortened from 6 semesters to 4 semesters.
  • In the part-time form of study, you skip three semesters with one of these qualifications.
    The course is shortened from 9 semesters to 6 semesters.

Individual credit transfer procedure

For all other degree programs, educational qualifications, further training or study examination achievements that are equivalent to the FHD course content are individually credited. Here too, you will receive an application for credit transfer after your application, which you must complete in detail. The student advisory service can help you with this. Detailed evidence (framework curriculum / module handbook) is also required. The head of degree program and the Central Examination Board will then decide on a case-by-case basis which prior achievements can be credited. You will receive a notification informing you which modules or how many semesters you can skip.

We will answer your questions.

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