Research means exercising and developing science and is supposed to be closely linked with teaching in higher education. Both are interdependent on each other. Thus, research and teaching are the pillars of FHD’s mission statement. The close linkage between teaching, educational profile and applied research ensure a high degree of practical relevance of FHD’s teaching and degree courses as well as the possibility of incorporating current findings in research and development into the curriculum.
The research and development of today forms the basis for new methods, pedagogical concepts and achievements of tomorrow. Here, research funding has a vital role. A great deal of research projects at FHD are financed by external funds form the European Union, federal and state funding as well as contracts from industry and economy. The staff unit for research funding and technology transfer offers a broad range of services regarding research and transfer for professors and research associates.
The research profile of Fachhochschule Dresden aligns to the social challenges of our time and the future and is specifically relevant to social and technological change.