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Transitions and developments

At an individual level, social development is driven by transitions in the course of life, on the success of which the opportunities for social participation and shaping depend. Key transitions include the transition from kindergarten to school, between school levels, into education and employment and finally into retirement.  These different phases of life require repeated efforts to adapt, which become a social challenge especially when personal resources or institutional support mechanisms are lacking.  

This research cluster examines the various transitions in the life course that are decisive for individual social participation. The focus is on childhood and adolescence, critical life contexts and learning throughout the life course. It also examines how life transitions are handled and processed, both in institutional contexts such as company succession and personnel development as well as in old age, when it comes to career endings and dealing with death.

Our research projects

Practice-oriented approaches to examining and supporting transitions in the course of life deal with the challenges that arise during different phases of life. The aim is to develop solutions that promote individual participation and social integration.


Evaluation of the KOMPAKT step-by-step model at the Jobcenter Dresden

The KOMPAKT measure - “Competent activation of participants” - supports employable benefit recipients in the Dresden area through targeted activation and integration measures. The aim is to sustainably integrate participants into the labor market through individual counseling, socio-educational support and practical occupational field trials. The two-stage combination of measures specifically promotes the development of alternative courses of action and strengthens self-efficacy. The accompanying evaluation examines the effectiveness and implementation of the measure using qualitative and quantitative methods. The focus is on the participants' perspectives, while theoretical models such as the expectation of self-efficacy or the theory of transition markets serve as a framework for reflection. The evaluation project is managed by the Sächsisches Umschulungs- und Fortbildungswerk Dresden e. V. and is based on the standards of the German Evaluation Society.

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Skilled worker guideline for securing skilled workers in the Free State of Saxony - Scientific support as part of the conception, planning and marketing of the DEHOGA project “HoGa-Nachwuchskräfte: Finden-Binden-Vernetzen” (finding, retaining and networking)

Guideline for skilled workers - Feasibility analysis for university practice teaching centers in the district of Saxon Switzerland Osterzgebirge in the tourism industry

How can universities and companies in the Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge district work more closely together to counteract the shortage of skilled workers? The feasibility study on university-practice teaching centers examines the potential and implementation possibilities for cooperation in the fields of tourism, marketing, event management, nursing and healthcare. A comprehensive needs analysis using online surveys and interviews is used to identify structural challenges and specific regional needs. The aim is to develop recommendations for action in order to exploit synergies between science and business and to sustainably strengthen the recruitment of skilled workers.

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Between Ages: Pilgrimage as a modern socio-educational method

The project uses pilgrimage as an innovative approach to support teenagers and young adults in difficult life situations. Through the accompanied walk, the participants experience reflection and self-efficacy and are given the opportunity to reorient themselves outside their usual environment. The project, which is carried out in cooperation with European partners, promotes the further development of socio-educational measures and expands the successful method on an international level.

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RENYO: Re-engaging young offenders with education and learning

The RENYO project addresses the question of how young offenders can be reintegrated into education and learning processes. Using the “Authentic Inquiry” method, young people's personal interests are used as a starting point for their learning processes in order to promote deeper motivation and long-term prospects. Supported by digital learning infrastructures, access to education is facilitated and a sustainable learning process is ensured beyond the duration of the project.

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HalKoTex - Posture-correcting textiles

The project has developed a technology for the production of posture-supporting textiles which, by specifically influencing the musculoskeletal system, informs the wearer of unhealthy postures and encourages them to correct them. The innovative flat-knit technology was used to produce body-hugging undergarments that promote healthy posture.

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