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part-time: Social Pedagogy and Management (B.A.)

Choose your study programme:

Full-time part-time

  • Start: Summer semester (9 semesters) / winter semester (6 semesters)
  • Duration of study: 9 semesters / with existing training only 6 semesters
  • Degree programme: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Courses: Friday evenings and Saturdays (10 weekends per semester)

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Do you work in the social sector and want to gain further qualifications? At the FHD, you can study alongside your job in a practical and family-friendly way. You will earn the internationally recognised Bachelor of Arts in "Social Pedagogy and Management" and the title "State-recognised Social Pedagogue."

The "Social Education & Management" degree programme is unique in Saxony with its profile. The course content is specifically geared towards the field of work of future managers of social services organisations. This means that you will be ideally qualified for leading positions in the social sector after completing your Bachelor's degree.

Have you already completed training as an educator or educational nurse? Then you can shorten your study time by 3 semesters.

Would you like to find out more? Our next online information event on the part-time degree programme will take place on 25 April at 4 pm. Go to registration

What our graduates say


"Ich wollte schon immer etwas Soziales studieren. Das besondere an diesem Studium ist die Kombination aus Sozialpädagogik und Sozialmanagement vereint in einem Bachelorstudium. Daher habe ich mich bewusst für die FHD entschieden. Besonders gut gefällt mir hier der sehr gut gelungene Theorie-Praxistransfer."
Zum Interview mit Ella

Nathalie, graduate in Social Pedagogy & Management

I was convinced by the management part of this degree program because I could always imagine myself in a management position later on and I think it's important to learn the necessary skills beforehand. I already knew from the beginning of my studies that I would like to work with people with disabilities at some point, possibly also with animals. I didn't expect that I would be able to do exactly that right after graduation. Now I work as a social pedagogue with mentally ill and mentally handicapped people, especially in the field of animal-assisted intervention.  - Nathalie, graduate B.A. Social Pedagogy & Social Management

Lisa, graduate in Social Pedagogy & Management

I chose this degree program because I would like to accompany, advise and support people in their various situations and phases of life. I particularly liked the small study groups and the open-minded professors and lecturers. After graduation, there were numerous areas in which I could work. Now I work part-time as a social worker at a school in addition to my current Master's degree.

- Lisa Maire, Graduate B.A. Social Pedagogy & Social Management

The most important facts at a glance

Study contents

The course of study includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Development in childhood and adolescence
  • Pedagogy
  • Communication and interaction
  • Social and personnel management
  • Social law and policy
  • Basics of sociology and social psychology
  • Fields of work and methods of social work and social pedagogy
  • Specialization in elective modules
  • Bachelor thesis

Of course, our student advisors and professors will also be happy to advise you personally and answer all your questions about the course content.

Course hours

Classroom events at the university alternate with phases of self-study. These are covered both with conventional teaching/learning materials and with e-learning. Time and location-independent learning is thus ensured to a large extent. The Saxon school vacations are lecture-free. This ensures a good compatibility of family and studies.

The Bachelor's program takes into account the special situation of working students by limiting attendance times at the university to two weekends per month and a one-week attendance phase (block event) at the end of the semester. As a rule, the attendance events take place twice a month on Fridays from 17:00 to 21:00 and on Saturdays from 08:30 to 14:30. The monthly attendance time thus comprises 24 course hours (of 45 minutes each). A separate schedule is prepared for each semester. The dates of the attendance times are known early and in advance, so that one's own professional activities can be planned well.

The combination of theory and practice is an elementary component of the study concept. Through your parallel professional activity, the opportunity for practical application of your acquired theoretical knowledge from the study of vocational education is already integrated, so you do not need to complete external internships. Our practice-oriented teaching will take up application examples from your everyday professional life in practice transfer and reflection seminars.

Degree and career prospects

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive an internationally recognized Bachelor of Arts degree in "Social Pedagogy and Management" and the title "State-recognized social pedagogue".

The career prospects for graduates of the Social Pedagogy and Management (B.A.) program are diverse. Fields of work can be found
e.g. in:

  • Counseling, prevention, rehabilitation & education & culture
  • Diversity-sensitive & intercultural work
  • Child & youth welfare (outpatient, day-care, inpatient)
  • School social work
  • People with disabilities/inclusion assistance
  • General social counseling
  • Homeless assistance
  • Social work in the justice system
  • Health & illness
  • Girls' and women's work
  • aging society

Social pedagogues are employed in public, non-profit and private institutions. In addition, the combination of social pedagogical competencies and management functions opens up opportunities for work in management positions, e.g. in day care centers.

Study duration and shortening

The regular duration of study is 9 semesters.

If applicants already have previous educational training as a state-certified educator or state-certified curative education nurse, this previous knowledge will be taken into account. The placement is in the 4th semester - thus the duration of study is shortened to 6 semesters (3 years).

More information

Tuition and funding

As a private university, we offer you many advantages and services from the first interest in a place at our university to your graduation - and beyond. With us, you are not just an anonymous matriculation number, but we accompany you individually, purposefully, supportively and challengingly on YOUR way through your studies. 

In order to be able to offer you this high quality of study, we have to charge tuition fees. As a private university, the FHD is not supported by public funds, but has to finance itself completely.

Of course, there are various ways in which you can finance your studies. We will be happy to look at your individual situation and find solutions together.

Book a consultation appointment now


Study requirements and application

You want to get started right away? You can apply at any time.

For the admission to the NC-free study program Social pedagogy & management Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) you need either

  • the general university entrance qualification or
  • the advanced technical college entrance qualification or
  • a subject-related university entrance qualification (in the field of business or similar).

Alternatively, you are also entitled to study as a trained educator or curative education nurse. 

In the part-time study program, a professional activity in the field relevant to the study program is generally required. In each semester that includes a practical reflection module, a corresponding professional activity (or an internship) of at least 30 hours per credit point of the practical reflection module must be proven.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our student advising team.

Why should you study Social Pedagogy & Management part-time at the FHD?

The dream job:

A degree in Social Education & Management opens up an extremely fulfilling and meaningful field of work for you. You can help and support people, whether children, young people or the elderly.

The combination:

While at other universities you can only study social pedagogy, with us you get social management on top! With your Bachelor's degree, you are qualified for management and leadership positions in the social sector.

The degree:

Upon completion of your studies, you will earn an internationally recognized Bachelor of Arts degree as well as a degree as a state-approved social pedagogue.

Theory and practice closely intertwined

Your experiences from your everyday professional life are specifically incorporated into your studies. In the context of practical reflections, you discuss current topics with the lecturer in the study group and develop solutions that work in practice!

Job prospects:

The demand for professionals in the social sector is high and will continue to grow in the future. With your degree, you are broadly positioned and in great demand in all fields of social pedagogy and social work.

Our partner universities worldwide

Du willst während Deines Studiums Auslandserfahrung sammeln? An der FHD hast Du die Möglichkeit, ein Auslandssemester an einer unserer Partnerhochschulen in einem Land Deiner Wahl zu absolvieren. Auch beim Thema Work & Travel, Au pair oder Auslandspraktikum ist unser International Office für Dich da. Dein Auslandsabenteuer wartet schon auf Dich!

We are happy to advise you

Do you have questions and would like to find out more about studying at the FHD? We will be happy to advise you!

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