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▶ 4 semesters or 3 semesters with a 210 ECTS Bachelor's degree

▶ Study classic, job-based or project-based

▶ Start in the winter semester

Business woman in a meeting


▶ 4 semesters or 3 semesters with a 210 ECTS Bachelor's degree

▶ Study classic, job-based or project-based

▶ Start in the winter semester

Project group in a meeting


▶ 4 semesters or 3 semesters with a 210 ECTS Bachelor's degree

▶ Study classic, job-based or project-based

▶ Start in the winter semester

Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (M.A.) (english)

▪ Master's degree          ▪ 4 or 3 semesters          ▪ 120 or 90 ECTS          ▪ english language          ▪ usually 3 days of teaching per week

The "LEADERSHIP, ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION M.A." combines strategic corporate and personnel management with innovation management and marketing as well as entrepreneurial and start-up spirit.

You will learn all the essential future skills to take on senior management positions, build and lead teams and business units and innovate and market products/services and processes. The course is project-oriented with a strong practical focus, adapts to your life and work situation and offers the opportunity to integrate your own or professional projects. Lead both established and young companies through change in the future!


Apply now  Book your consultation appointment

Why should you study Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the FHD?

Study content:

The study program is specifically geared to the needs of the labor market and to growing job profiles. We have held many discussions with partner companies and industry associations to find out for you what specific knowledge and skills are needed in practice. The result is this degree program!

Specialization options:

Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation is not a general business master's program, but sets modern, clear focal points.
What would you like to specialize in? The modules and exams in the master's program are designed so that you can always set your own individual focus.

Practical relevance:

In the master's program, you can bring in your own ideas and projects and develop them further. Courses take place on only 3 days per week - so you can start your professional life or realize your own projects.

The network:

Our cooperation network of well-known companies continues to grow and offers you the opportunity to make valuable contacts with employers.

Teaching quality:

The program is accredited with top grades and is characterized by its modern study concept. You will receive individual support during your studies and can count on the support and appreciation of your professors and lecturers.

The most important at a glance

Programme Profile

LEADERSHIP: Modern strategic leadership concepts and New Work are rapidly gaining in importance and have recently become essential skills for taking on senior management roles. In your Master's degree program, you will learn how to develop mission statements, structures and strategies for companies and how to implement them correctly. With a focus on people, you will find, develop and retain suitable personnel for implementation. You lead employees through both long-term change and agile projects. Your roles are decision-maker and role model as well as coach and mentor. You are committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. In this way, you will steer your company to success as an attractive employer despite the war for talent and shortage of skilled workers.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Developments such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence and climate change require new business models and are changing entire sectors of the economy and their working environments. The degree program shows you how to understand and assert yourself as an entrepreneur within a company, design and build new business units or, if necessary, set them up yourself. You will learn how to analyze existing business elements and structures as well as their interaction and how to redesign or even create new ones based on new ways of thinking. The development of new strategic and sustainable business areas is your passion. From project financing, controlling, legal and tax to ongoing business development, you manage the processes and teams. Change can come and you proactively shape it.

INNOVATION: Innovation cycles are faster than ever, competition is increasing and companies need professional innovation management and marketing. The Master's program provides in-depth know-how on how to systematically innovate and market products and services as well as processes and procedures, promote innovation structures and cultures and build teams with the right mindset. You will analyze market potential, derive precise and sustainable marketing strategies and take responsibility for the environment and society. You measure success with data-driven and digital marketing tools and expand your knowledge in the field of data science. As a result, your decisions are always goal-oriented and well-founded and success in the market is no coincidence.

Study contents

During your studies, you will deepen your knowledge in the following subject areas:


  • Leadership & Strategy
  • Agile project management
  • Strategic HR Management & New Work
  • Responsibility & Sustainability Management


  • Project Funding & Pricing
  • Business Creation (Intrapreneurship)
  • Business Development
  • Law & Taxes
  • Strategic Controlling


  • Strategic Marketing
  • Digital & Data-Driven Marketing
  • Advanced Innovation Management
  • User Experience & Prototyping
  • Data Science

You can set your own individual focus, depending on the area you would like to work in after graduation.

Practical and application-oriented studies

Degree and career prospects

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive the internationally recognized Master of Arts Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (M.A.). With this degree, you are excellently qualified for management and leadership positions in business. Depending on your personal focus, a variety of career paths will open up for you after graduation:

In the area of leadership, for example:

  • Head of HR Management
  • Director People & Culture
  • Senior Coach / Consultant for executives

In the field of entrepreneurship e.g.:

  • Head of Business Development
  • Lead Transformation Manager
  • Founder

In the area of Innovation e.g.

  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Director of Innovation Management
  • Senior Technology & Product Manager

Tuition Fees and Financing

As a private university, we offer you many advantages. In order to be able to offer you this high quality of study, we have to charge tuition fees. As a private university, the FHD is not supported by public funds, but has to finance itself completely. As an FHD Bachelor graduate, you will receive a 10% discount on tuition fees.

Tuition fees for the Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (M.A.) Master's program currently start at 625 euros per month. (depending on the payment method you choose)

Of course, there are various ways in which you can finance your studies. You can find everything you need to know about tuition fees and financing in the study orientation section.

We will be happy to look at your individual situation and find solutions together.

Book a consultation appointment now

Study requirements and application

Study the way that suits you

In the Master's degree program in Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (M.A.), you can complete each module in three different ways and thus adapt it to your work situation. This allows you to develop solutions for your job directly during your studies and receive professional support.


We are here for you!

These companions will help you move forward

Here you will find central institutions and people who will accompany you on your way through your studies, from your first contact to everyday life as a student right through to graduation.

Always at the cutting edge: our project and internship partners


The Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (M.A.) degree program has an extensive cooperation network of companies, associations and research institutions. Our teaching and research is practice-oriented, interdisciplinary and incorporates the experience of our project partners into our teaching. In this way, we guarantee our students the current practical relevance of our teaching as well as a high academic standard.

Always open to new ideas: Our International Office & university network


The FHD has a constantly growing international network of university partnerships. This means you can spend your semester abroad at one of our partner universities of your choice. Our International Office will guide you through the entire application process and advise you on accommodation, funding and any other questions you may have.

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